Train to Busan

For today's daily serving of horror (man, I'm really running out of creative ways to start these reviews) I done gone watched (yeah, I've resorted to hillbilly talk) Korea's zombie horror flick Train to Busan. Man, talk about a PSA for better security on trains, something I've been railing (bud-um-tiss!) on about for years. It's nice to see a film finally tackle real issues. Well, that and zombieism. And the need to close doors behind you in the event of said zombieism. Has no one seen Zombieland?

Anywho, basically the movie is about a too busy for his daughter businessman who gets reunited with his daughter through the trials and tribulations of the zombie apocalypse. Ya know, like Liar Liar, but with significantly more zombies. 

The train they take to visit the girls mother gets taken over by zombies due to train security ineptitude (the REAL issue here) and the rest, as they say, is history. Not too many people's history, though. Cuz they're flesh eating corpses and stuff. 

The zombies in the film are of the 28 Days Later variety: Fast and hungry. They're really well done too, gory and contorting, their humanity stripped; plus, their feeding is based on sight, a new angle for zombies. There have been so many zombie movies it's nice to see that one can still manage to be original and well done, plus hit you in the feels. The ending is extraordinarily well done and seriously... punch straight in the feels, man. 

I really did enjoy this movie--it's well done, serious when it wants to be but not afraid of giving the zombies the over the top treatment they deserve. That said, I gotta go on a wee rant... seriously, can directors of zombie movies just collectively agree to quit ignoring the fact that zombie films exist in the world of their movie? Every damn zombie movie (except Zombieland; thank you, by the way) has the character be like, "Whoa. This bro just got bit and now has risen from the dead and wants to eat ME! It seems like there should be a genre dedicated to that or a word for raising from the dead and wanting to eat people... hm... let's call them, like... Faceeaters. Or Gross Resurrection Guys. Or, I dunno... Walkers! Nailed it!" (yes, that's an intentional burn on The Walking Dead)

Just once I'd like a character to respond when someone asks "What is this resurrected dead body that's trying to eat me!" with "They're totally zombies, dumbass. Have you been living under a rock? There's literally thousands of movies, video games, books, and paintball haunted house games devoted to this. I'm just gonna let that ZOMBIE eat you because you're a moron who deserves it." Maybe what I'm overlooking is that all these zombies movies exist in a universe where zombie movies don't exist. Which, if true, is stupid. 

Rant done. This movie was good, with me ignoring characters that seem to have never heard of zombies. 



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