Double Header: Night of the Living Dead and Piranha

Backuped a little bit over the past few days, so here's my movies for yesterday and today. I'm kinda tired so these are going to be pretty short, which is probably better for you, so here ya go:

10/9: For tonight's film I watched George A. Romero's zombie classic Night of the Living Dead. As one of the (maybe the?) first zombie movies ever dealing with zombies as we think of them now this movie is pretty incredible to see. Zombies aren't rotting (some are somewhat so later on) but are instead just bug-eyed humans intent on human flesh. They do shamble, but can run and chase too as well as have a level of intelligence.  The movie sort of laid down the survivors holding up in a house motif, but it's much more than that too. It's deals with race, Vietnam, and it what it means to be alive beyond just the zombie premise. The ending as well really stuck with me, and is something I'm still finding myself pondering. This is really a landmark horror film and really deserving of it's spot in history. 


10/10: Tonight's film was Pirahna 3D, and let's be honest, the director doesn't matter. I have to hand it to this movie, it's pretty much exactly what someone watching a movie like this wants: boobs, crazy death, boobs, gore, more boobs, and did I mention boobs. In that sense I can honestly say this is pretty much the "perfect" movie for what it is. Plot doesn't really matter, and you already know it: Piranha attack town, scantily clad teens die. Except this one has Ving Rhames, Richard Dreyfuss, Christopher Lloyd, Eli Roth, and... Gianna Michaels. Yeah. Which is all, truly, freaking awesome. The movie doesn't take itself seriously, and these guys know how to make it ridiculous and hilarious. That's it's biggest strength. By no means is it a good movie, and it's not meant to be either. But it's fun and entertaining, and I dug it.


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