
For today's film I watched Deadgirl. Well... I can unequivocally say that this is hands down the most disturbing horror film I've watched all month, if not one of the most disturbing horror films I've ever seen. The film follows two high school boys who find the body of a woman in an abandoned insane asylum. They soon find that she can not die and they, without going into specifics (I think it should be more than clear), decide to use her. The movie is raw and realistic, and that's what probably makes it so incredibly disturbing. I would like to hope humanity is not as depraved as this movie makes them out to be, because if so... damn. The sort of angsty teenager part of the movie feels a bit tired, and the music is a total rip off of Michael Andrew's Donnie Darko score; in fact, that's putting it lightly. That said, the movie is well done in the sense that it more than achieves it's purpose and leaves you feeling sort of empty when it finishes. It looks into what makes humans human, and at the lows we can drop to. I feel I can't say the movie is "good," though. "Well-made" is about as far as I can get, because it's just so disturbing.



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