
Yesterday's horror flick:

10/12: For tonight's film I opted to watch a seemingly inexplicable gap in my horror knowledge, Gremlins. I have no clue how Gremlins has slipped my movie watching experience, but hey, there ya have. And it's cute! Gremlins is a fun time that's one of those movies that's so classically 80s. From the music to the filmmaking to the stories Gremlins bleeds the 1980s. What really surprised me about the movie was the goriness of the kills of the gremlins, especially seeing as how the movie purports from the beginning to be a kids movie. I think this is what makes this movie so good and hold up over time is it's subversion of children's movies. The goriness, deaths, monsters, etc. spring up out a rosy, cute little monster movie. That subversion is so perfect and I gotta say, I dig.



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