Goodnight Mommy

Kicking it off, here we go... the first horror flick of the month.

Starting things off is the Austrian horror film Goodnight Mommy. You've probably heard all the hype surrounding it (it's made people faint, it's being lauded as the the most terrifying horror film of the year, etc.). Is it good? Yes. Does it live up the unattainable hype that the reviews set up for it? No. Should people really stop hyping the shit out of new horror movies that even slightly break the horror mold? Yeah, probably. 

Goodnight Mommy is certainly creepy as hell and quite unsettling to boot but, maybe it's just my desensitivity (is that a word? I don't care) talking, it isn't all that terrifying. The movie follows two young twins and their mother who is recovering from facial surgery. 

There's some scenes that get under your skin (pun somewhat intended). The atmosphere, despite being colorful and rich, feels claustrophobic and unsettling. The characters all around (and not just mommy, the twin boys too) genuinely creep. To be honest though, up until the last 10 minutes or so I was left fairly bored. Goodnight Mommy is a slow burner to be sure, and I like me a slow burner, but you gotta throw some substance in too. There's a lot of screen-time-filler spread out amongst the few story-driving scary scenes to the point where the movie feels wanting. All that said, when the last 10 minutes come around the twist is so unexpected and satisfying that it nearly makes up for largely boring 85 minutes that preceded it. 

All in all, Goodnight Mommy is a genuinely creepy horror attempt that, while not living up to the (impossible) hype surrounding it, gets close. I'm telling you, that twist... which is also why this review is so sparse in plot details. Give it a try, and really, give it your attention. The twist needs it and deserves it.

Take note on how you used to do twists well, M. Night Shamalamadingdong.



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