Suicide Club

Alright, no movie for yesterday (working out took precedence) but here's tonight's film, Suicide Club

10/21: For tonight's horror flick I watched the Japanese horror film Suicide Club. Have I mentioned the Japanese are weird before? Because yeah. The Japanese are weird. 

Suicide Club centers around the fact that young people are committing suicide in droves for no apparent reason and a detective trying to figure out the mystery. The movie opens with the over-the-top graphic scene of 50 high school aged schoolgirls jumping into the path of a train, their V8-colored blood spurting and splashing everywhere. The rest of the movie pretty goes this way, with something about a suicide cult, a rouge hacker named The Bat, a Japanese girl band singing pop songs, and a roll of stitched human skin thrown in for good measure.

Yeah, I have no idea what I just watched.

I think this movie is making some sort of statement about Japanese culture (the apathy of children, the consumption of pop culture, disconnection from self and others, etc) but I would have no way of knowing as I'm not Japanese. I think there's a lot lost in the cultural translation of this film and that's probably intentional (the Japanese-ness is off the charts), but I think I as an American viewer didn't have a place in the movie. It's whackadoo and I quite honestly can't make much heads or tails of it. 

And that's all I have to say about that. (Also, whodathunk I'd work a Forrest Gump quote into a Japanese horror review? I certainly didn't)



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