Friday the 13th Part 2

A day late, but I got shit to do son!

10/4: Friday the 13th Part 2, the movie that finally introduces Jason proper! Well, not exactly Jason proper (i.e. no hockey mask) but close. I find it so fascinating that the killer we always remember from Friday the 13th is the hockey mask-wearing hulking manchild, but this character doesn't even show up until the 3rd film in the series. This stands out so much from the two other "big" slasher films, where Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger have been the serial killers we know and love from their very first film. In that way, Jason stands out.

This film, though, doesn't really. It's kind of a staple of the classic slasher that they're all essentially the same, so I'm willing to excuse it that for the most part. This is basically a remake of the 1st complete with the DUMBEST TEENAGERS EVER (maybe being slutty makes you extra stupid?), just with Jason as the killer rather than his mother. It's entertaining, makes you yell at the screen constantly wondering WHY THESE BITCHES BE SO DUMB, and is laughingly, enjoyably predicable. All in all it's just fun popcorny horror.



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