Friday the 13th
For tonight's film (on time for once!) I watched the infamous slasher Friday the 13th, which, again, I oddly enough had not seen before. Released two years after the seminal slasher Halloween, Friday the 13th has all the makings of the genre: stupid, isolated teenagers, a (for most of the film) faceless killer, inept adults, etc. While I found this less engaging than Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street, it's still good if for nothing more than it's ridiculous. I found myself to be "that guy in the theater" the whole movie, yelling at the essentially retarded final female, "OH MY GOD. DON'T LEAVE HER LYING THERE SHE WILL CHASE AFTER YOU AGAIN!!!!! STAB THE SHIT OUT OF HER YOU STUPID STUPID BITCH!!!!! OH MY GOD YOU'RE STUPID AS SHIT DON'T HIDE IN THE CLOSET NOW!!! Sweet Jesus almighty, you dumb whore..." Yeah, pretty much stuff in that vein. But hey, I guess it wouldn't be a slasher if I wasn't yelling that at the screen, amirite? Still, though, holy hell... in turns of stupidity this chick takes the cake.
Sorry, had to vent that. Idiot theory proven again! Other than that it's a good slasher (albiet feeling a bit run-of-the-mill, but that's probably because it helped invent the slasher mill) and has a good twist at the end (both for who the killer is and the end end). Really what struck me most about the movie is that for being such an iconic horror movie it doesn't even have the character that it most famous for: Jason. Pretty remarkable that this movie fed into that horror, slasher legend by not creating that character in the full sense until the second film.
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