Double Header: It and Sint
Fell a wee bit behind the past couple days, so here's one from today and yesterday.
10/13: For tonight's film I watched Stephen King's It. I guess it's more of a made-for-TV miniseries, but whatever. The film follows 7 self-proclaimed losers who begin seeing an evil clown that wants to kill them and other children in the town. This switches between the kids in modern day, who begin having experiences with It again that lead them to reuniting and fighting the creature. Well... half of the movie is good? The first half is actually really interesting, albiet hilariously bad acted (save Tim Curry, who is a god amongst men). The parallels between the kids and their grown up selves and the idea of an evil entity that exists in the imagination of a child is unique subject matter. But then the second half goes off the deep end with an ending that is laughably ridiculous; honestly, one of the most tacked on, I-didn' endings ever. But Stephen King does do that a fair amount in his novels, so not all that surprising.
6.5/10 (mostly so high due to Tim Curry)
10/14: Tonight I watched Sint (Saint), a Dutch horror film dealing with the legend of St. Nicholas. In the world of the film jolly St. Nick was actually a monstrous bishop who took children from their homes and slaughtered their parents. Eventually the oppressed villagers rise up and kill Nicholas and his followers, causing St. Nick to place a curse on Amsterdam that exists up until the modern day. With such an interesting premise I was expecting so much more and really didn't get much. I got to see some cool death scenes but other than that... eh? It's a pretty typical zombie/slasher hybrid type affair, and with the wealth the Santa legend has it's kind of dumbfounding to me why more wasn't done. Maybe there was a disconnect in that I didn't fully understand the Dutch holiday which is evidently much different from how Christmas is celebrated here in America, but even then... it was just so typical. Pretty disappointing, sadly.
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