Cabin in the Woods

To kick things off I started the month with Drew Goddard's Cabin in the Woods. To put it simply... wow. A truly imaginative, original (while being based in the most cliché of horror clichés)  horror film that keeps you on your toes. One of those things that makes you think constantly, "Ok, dafuq is goin' on up in hur." Just like that, too.  

Set in the aforementioned cliché of kids go to cabin, awaken evil, gore ensues, the movie adds a whole other element (won't give it away) that asks a lot of really good questions both about horror and about the horror viewer. Why do we watch horror and "get off" on watching people die? Hell if I know (well, I have theories), but it's an interesting question. All this culminates in a more than satisfying ending that really is one of the most truly touching and beautiful homages to horror I've ever seen. A really refreshing new look at the genre. 



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