For tonight's final horror flick of the Binge I opted for some Japanese horror as somehow this year I haven't watched a single one. Not sure how that happened. Anyway, to close us out for the year I watched Pulse. Pulse is fairly similar to the Ringus or Suicide Circles of the world: the internet leads to people dying and ghosts and jazz. I'm always fascinated by how the Japanese represent ghosts: they're very "real" in terms of being corporeal and pretty stoic, very different from how we represent ghosts in the West.
Pulse has it's moments; the spirits are very freaky as are the impressions they leave behind and the opening hanging scene is pretty chilling. However, with all that, I never got completely grabbed. It felt too similar to many other Japanese horror flicks and the "well, that escalated quickly" moment at the end felt pretty tacked on. Not a terrible movie, but definitely not one that I'll be mulling over long afterward.
And that finishes the year (unless I get in the mood to watch another tonight. It is Halloween after all)! Look for my wrap up post tomorrow.
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