10/27: The Broken
10/27: Tonight's flick was The Broken, where yet again I've ventured into Game of Thrones characters! Which I guess isn't all that surprising as they've employed like every British actor, so statistically I'm bound to hit at least a few.
The Broken centers around Lena Headey's character, a young woman who sees herself driving down the street one day. This is obviously unsettling, and shorty after following this other woman she gets in a car crash. The trauma of this event sends her world into chaos--her boyfriend has seemingly been replaced by someone else, mirrors are breaking everywhere, etc.
The Broken's biggest strength is it's atmosphere and, put simply, it's premise-- the idea of your loved ones, and perhaps even yourself, being replaced by an identical version is horrifying. The idea of such a thing makes the world mysterious and foreign in an incredibly eerie way; things that are familiar and comforting are now unknowns.
All that said, the movie never quite realizes this concept to it's fullest potential because it doesn't give enough explanation as to what exactly this replicant being is. I'm usually totally up for the mystery in a movie like this but ya gotta throw me a bone or something. By the end, as cool as the twist was, I still felt like I was left with no answers. The atmosphere and concept were strong enough to hold this movie up but I needed more to explain what exactly the hell was going on. Still, though, a fine but flawed flick.
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