10/16: The Woman in Black
Oh, Daniel Radcliffe, you scamp.
10/16: Tonight's film was the 2012 remake of The Woman in Black. I watched the original back in my first year of the binge and mentioned comparing it to the remake, so, ya know, it only took me 5 years. Look at me, working like the US government.
Yeah, lame joke.
Anyway, I enjoyed the original, and the remake is surprisingly good when compared to the original. It takes much more of a "jump-scare" approach to the haunting than the original, and is definitely more bombastic, but it still manages to be create a creepy and horrifying atmosphere. Honestly, The Woman in Black is like the good version of Crimson Peak (WHY GUILLERMO WHY), capturing the eerieness of ghosts in early 1900s England.
However, all that said.. Daniel Radcliffe will always be Harry Potter. I'm sorry. The whole time he's being chased by ghosts and shit I was like, "Yo! Why are you scared? You're already homies with Nearly Headless Nick! Just call that sumbitch in!" Alas, it was all for naught.
The Woman in Black is a decent remake that, while changing the scares of the original, manages to do the original justice. That scene of a young girl setting herself on fire... damn.
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