The Mummy

Today I went "old skool" and watched Karl Freund's The Mummy. No Brandon Fraser in this one, sorry folks. A classic of the Universal monster movie craze of the 1920s/30s, The Mummy has all the hallmarks--scary monster looks, damsel in distress, a pretty stupid male lead character (guess this isn't a "hallmark" but still pretty common), etc. I always enjoy watching the classic monster flicks for these hallmarks. It has a sense of nostalgia, despite my not being alive anywhere close to when the films were made. Horror movies at the time were simpler for the most part, and all you needed was an actor as amazing and still-creepy-as-hell as Boris Karloff to keep the audience hooked. 

By today's standards, the movie isn't particularly scary and the story is slow when compared to modern horror. If for nothing else though it's good to look back and see the origins of where horror came from. Without the Boris Karloff's and Bela Lugosi's horror wouldn't be a shade of how we know it. So watch for the history, stay for the nostalgia and the (often) cheesy entertainment. That's what makes the Universal monster classics so good.

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it, but really-- Boris Karloff, you are a bad ass sir.



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