Cabin in the Woods... Again!

Ah, it's truly begun--the backup in reviews! I did well for a couple days there, but, I think we all knew it wasn't going to last. Here's the movie for yesterday...

10/5: So this is a repeater from last year, but I loved it so much I wanted to watch it again this year. With that said, I'm quite glad I did--there is so much more to gather watching this a second time. 

Cabin in the Woods' brilliance lies in how it examines the tropes and mechanisms of the horror genre. As I've watched so many horror films in the last few years I've kind of gotten to know all these mechanisms, especially the ones in the "Cabin in the Woods"-y type films (i.e. slasher types). What this film sets out is an explanation for why. Without giving anything away, the movie explains everything from the idiocy of the characters in horror to the usually seemingly senseless motivations of the killers.

Last year I gave this a 9.5/10 due to the ending, but this year, after giving it some thought, I'm giving it a perfect 10. This time around the ending made a lot more sense and I think was another great explanation of what purpose the horror genre serves in our modern society. Again, it's hard to discuss it without giving it away, but you know... just watch it.

Cabin in the Woods is a stellar homage to horror built by horror fans for horror fans.



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