The Human Centipede

And, as promised, my horror film for today, meaning, of course, yesterday now. Yeah... I don't get it either. 

10/30: My horror film for the evening was Tom Six's "The Human Centipede." There's honestly not much to say about this movie; it's a disgusting concept that's presented almost as stupid as the concept is. It's more than blatantly obvious that Six came up with the idea and didn't have near enough smarts to build a story around it (the movie is easily more than 3/4s filler to just fill an hour and a half movie), but to his credit, it's pretty darn tough to build a story around a plot revolving around people being sewn to each others rectums. And interestingly enough, for me at least, the concept wasn't as disgusting as Six intended it to be unless you really think hard about it; the movie doesn't give much physically for the disgust the plot entails and really only grosses when you think about what would go into it, which could be seen as a good or a bad thing. The concept aside, though, basically the movie just consists of bad acting, easily escapable situations that are even more so than most horror movies, and pretty much zero substance. But in all honesty, this is pretty much what I was expecting, and I'm sure all Six wanted me to expect and get out of it either. So... mission accomplished?


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