The Fog
Well obviously I've dropped off from watching horror movies for the past couple days-- Halloween celebrations and further school work have prevented me from having much time for movie watching. But here's my one for yesterday (it was actually viewed today, but yay for loopholes!), and I'll have one up for today (probably not until tomorrow actually by the time it's done... is your mind sufficiently confused beyond all reasoning yet?). Sadly no film for this past Friday, but can't really be avoided. Without further ado...
10/29: For today's film (or yesterday's, keep up!) I once again am venturing into John Carpenter territory with "The Fog." A very creepy, sometimes over the top film about a town that has brought a curse upon itself in the form of an evil fog that holds killer zombie-esque ghosts seeking revenge. Carpenter really achieves a great level of foreboding the film and a sense that the evil this small town has brought cannot be avoided. The story too is quite creepy and how it is told is very unusual. The "beats" so to speak are very unlike usual film making in how the scares are given to the audience and when you are allowed breathing room. Yet another great Carpenter film that I highly recommend as a late, cold night ghost flick.
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