The Beginning...
Well, here I am, starting up a new blog again. With several buried blogs scattered across the internets, perhaps this one will maybe, just maybe, stand the test of my own laziness/short attention span. At the behest of several people's suggestions that I start a blog after recently beginning an October horror film binge (meaning watching a horror film every day of October. Yes, I will be quite twisted by November 1st) I decided maybe it was time to give this blog thing another go.
And you know, thinking about it, what has always killed my blogs in the past is the thought I have had each time; why bother? No one reads it anyway, and honestly who cares what I think? While I find this still to be pretty true (do you care what I think? Doubt it), I came to the conclusion that perhaps that's not really what a blog should be about. In our modern times of technology and everything being online (allow me to wax cliche here for a moment) our take on the idea of a diary or journal has changed to this arena, something anyone can read and take part in. While there is certainly a sadness at leaving this past mode of expression behind, and there is still certainly a use for it, perhaps blogging is something more meant for the self. Like the dying art of journal writing, blogs serve a purpose of letting you "put it out there." Only as it exists now any clown who wants to read it can. So instead of caring about who reads your ramblings and who cares about it maybe what it should be more about is getting thoughts out of your own head.
With that in mind, here, oh reader, are the thoughts of my own noggin-- whether you read or care about them or not. But if you do, you'll probably be wanting some sort of idea about what direction my ramblings will take. While I shy away from setting my subject in stone, I suppose what you can find here are thoughts on my interests, namely film, photography, and of course that elixir of the gods, craft beer. But I reserve the right to spew about whatever crops up,no matter how utterly trivial, and you'll damn well like it by gum!
So enjoy, if you so choose to read, and of course, feel free to shovel on any comments you like. I'm sure the tone of this blog and what gets written about will cement itself as time goes along, but until then you'll just have to suffer the bumps.
Because after all, this time it's for me.
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