The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Today's horror movie was The Autopsy of Jane Doe, a story about, shockingly, an autopsy. Of a Jane Doe. I know, crazy. Said Jane Doe is brought into the morgue (by Roose Bolton, no less!) of a father/son coroner team. As they begin to dissect her, they find numerous irregularities, including items inside of her that should have been destroyed by her stomach acid and weird writings. As the autopsy continues things begin to go haywire in the morgue, seemingly emanating from the strange corpse.
The Autopsy of Jane Doe begins in greatness territory with a killer concept: it's essentially a haunting film that manifests more and more the further the autopsy goes along. Essentially the coroners are investigators, discovering in the body on their table a mystery that unfolds in the living world. I was enthralled... until around the hour mark. Something so stupid, so cliche, so unnecessary happens, that from that moment the movie, for me at least, tanked.
Without giving anything away, it's one of those movie moments that just changes everything for the worst. From that point on the great concept that the movie starts building itself on erodes away. It pivots into a pretty typical, cliched horror movie that is a shadow of how it started. In that sense, it's hard to judge a movie like this mostly because of how subjective my thoughts on the movie are (I mean, opinions are inherently subjective, but I digress). I recognize how well made The Autopsy of Jane Doe is and how someone could be totally onboard, I just find it's decisions after the hour mark to be bad to the point of eye-rolling.
With all that said, I'm choosing to judge The Autopsy of Jane Doe on its strengths which, in the last hour, are admirable. I just wish the last half hour lived up to how it all started.
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