Culture Shock
Today's horror film was the my first foray into the Into the Dark series on Hulu, Culture Shock. Now, if Culture Shock is any indication, I can expect a whole lot of "meh?" from this series.
Culture Shock begins with a pretty interesting concept: immigrants that are trying to get across the border illegally are being taken by a shady organization and plugged into an "American Dream" simulator to keep them pacified. Because, ya know, that worked out so well in The Matrix.
I guess that makes Creed Bratton the Architect? 'cuz that's freaking sweet.
Culture Shock posits a premise that is pure social commentary on our world right now under Trump and "Build the Wall" culture. Much like Get Out, Culture Shock tries to say something about white America, namely the treatment of minorities and view on what makes them a "true" American. The problem is Get Out does this brilliantly; Culture Shock doesn't. As interesting as the concept is the execution leaves a ton to be desired. Ultimately while the movie is trying to say something it ends up saying nothing of true importance by not committing to being edgy or deep enough. Culture Shock hopes the concept is enough to carry it but doesn't put nearly enough umph behind it to say anything of importance about a truly important issue. It's all pretty unfortunate really, because a movie that plays on the inane fears and paranoia Americans have about immigrants is something we need. Unfortunately, Culture Shock ain't it.
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