10/28: It Follows
Slowly catching up on my reviews. Here's yesterday's:
10/28: Today I rewatched a horror film I watch pretty much every October, although I didn't count it as a review last year: It Follows. I reviewed this movie a couple years ago (actually, twice that year), so this review isn't going to add much to that. If you want to read my full thoughts you can go right hur.
Seriously, I love the ever loving hell out of this movie and I feel like no one else appreciates it enough. It's excellent, from the soundtrack to the acting to the incredibly original and well-executed idea of a sexually transmitted being that will follow you to the ends of the earth. It's slow, but it's ruthless, horrifying, and doesn't stop. I love everything about this movie. It's a nearly perfect horror film. I feel it easily deserves a spot on the top 10 horror films of all time. It rides the 80s-style train but injects it with so much originality and brilliance. I had previously given It Follows 9.5/10, but I was an idiot.
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