So... howdy there internet, and anyone who is still incredibly looking at this blog. It's kind of mind bloggling (see what I did there?) that you're still looking here, seeing as how I am a complete lying liar in saying (back in November '11, mind you) that the blog posts would return in a few weeks. Yeah... my bad.

What I have learned is... I fail at blogging. I get into it, want to blog, and then if I get marginally busy or into other things... there it goes. Poof. Gone. I know-- hard for you to hear, oh hanging on my every word public. So with that said... I kinda give up. Maybe some people are cut out for blogging, maybe some aren't, and I think this (and the other few blogs I've created and subsequently failed at) is proof that I fall into the latter. Try not to lose any sleep over it.

Consider this blog, for the most part, effectively dead-- life just gets too much in the way. It's funny I'm saying this now though, as I actually just recently got the urge to blog. No ideas in mind, just wanted to. For whatever odd reason.

Who knows, a new blog might get made in the future. Or I might redesign this blog. I'm kind of thinking creating a blog that is structured around one subject might be (amongst a billion other reasons) what's preventing me from keeping up with blogging. Maybe if I get general and just puke my thoughts up on the page as they come? I guess I should take my own words literally, like I said initially in this blog, and write for me-- when it comes. Then there won't be stupid posts like this explaining why I haven't been blogging on my blog in a blog post while blogging-- uh, yeah.

Anyway, I'll see ya when I see ya, if I see ya. Live long, prosper, be happy, all that shit. Who knows-- the urge could hit me tomorrow to start up again. Won't that be fun yankin' you round. And not sexually, perv.


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