Thirteen Approacheth: The 2023 Recap
Yay, the annual blog post! This can mean only a few things... one, that I once again was too lazy to write this wrap-up when I finished last year, and two, that we're only a heartbeat away from spooky season and all the goodness that comes with a horror binge. This one is a big 'un too, you guys: it's my 13th year doing this thing. 😱 Somewhere, someplace, Taylor Swift's ears just perked up (my wife tells me there's like a T.Swift 13 conspiracy or something?). If there's a lucky number for horror, it's got to be 13, so we're going big this year. Per my meticulous data collection below, it looks like I'm at 363 movies across 12 binges (well, 363 watches not unique movies, but... back off me). I think it makes sense to slide in at a clean 400 by the end of Lucky Year Thirteen, right? So that's the dream this year: 37 movies to twist and eff with my mind this year. Follow all the shenanigans over on Instagram , and let's make it happen cap...